汇编 输入带空格的代词,输出时把空格删掉(有效果图)


data segment
buf1 db ‘shu ru yi ge dan ci,jieguo:huo ba kong ge shan diao’,13,10,’$’
int1 db 100,101 dup(0),’$’
buf db 100,101 dup(0),’$’
data ends
code segment
assume  cs:code,ds:data
main:mov dx,data
     mov ds,dx
     lea dx,[buf1]
     mov ah,9
     int 21h   ;输出提示:题目用途
     lea dx,[int1]
     mov ah,10
     int 21h
     lea si,[int1+2]
     lea di,[buf+2]
     mov ch,0
     mov cl,[int1+1]
again:mov al,[si]
      cmp al,’ ‘
      je lab
      mov [di],al
      inc di
lab: inc si 
      loop again
      mov ah,2
      mov dl,13
      int 21h
      mov dl,10
      int 21h
      lea dx,[buf+2]
      mov ah,9
      int 21h
      mov ax,4c00h
      int 21h
      code ends
      end main


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